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Rekkies Orcale Limited

SINGING BOWL - Chakra Crown Purple 12.5cm

SINGING BOWL - Chakra Crown Purple 12.5cm

Regular price $165.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $165.00 NZD
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Is is a beautifully designed singing bowl that corresponds with the crown chakra, the highest chakra located at the top of the head. It is finished in a deep purple color, which is often associated with spirituality, wisdom, and the understanding of the universe.

The bowl is decorated with symbols and inscriptions that represent the crown chakra, including the "Om" symbol, which is considered the sacred sound of the universe in many Eastern traditions. With a size of 12.5 centimeters, this singing bowl is ideal for personal spiritual practices such as meditation and chakra balancing, as well as for professional use in sound therapy and healing sessions.

The singing bowl is typically played by gently striking or rubbing the accompanying mallet around the rim, producing a rich, resonant sound with profound calming effects. The sound and vibrations emanating from the bowl can help to facilitate a state of deep meditation and open the crown chakra, encouraging a sense of connection to higher states of consciousness.

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